Business to Business (#B2B) Advice - 3 Ways to Avoid Holiday Theft
October 12, 2015 by admin.

It sucks to think that the holidays could inspire theft for people, but the truth is, they do. From under-ringing sales and pocketing the difference to shoplifting, business owners, and often especially small business owners, have to run a tight ship around the holiday seasons.


It doesn't have to be just jewelry thefts, either.

Here are some ways to batten it down:

1. Be loud and clear about the fact that you are watching the financial end of the business, and remind them (as well as demonstrate) when there is a profit, you will share it with the loyal ones.

2. As far as reducing internal theft, it's vital to ensure that all employees feel appreciated. Normally, employees who steal from their employees feel undervalued in some way, like they are entitled to what they steal.

3. Rotate the work schedule. This ensures that potential theft partnerships will have a hard time collaborating. Additionally, more checks and balances will be in place when different people are opening, different people are closing, and schedules are unpredictable.

4. Gear up to work a little later each day and reconcile daily receipts. Reconciling on a weekly or monthly basis will leave too much too overlook. On a daily basis, every sale and every single item you are selling should be accountable in some form each day.

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