Branding Your Jewelry Part 2
May 20, 2015 by admin.

We already introduced branding, so let's jump right into ways you can brand your jewelry online.

1. Use an email signature that is branded. There are plenty of signature making tools to use. Your email signature should include: your contact info, a professional photo of you, links to all of your active social media, your website, and wherever you are selling your jewelry.

2. A professionally crafted logo. This is the "identification" part of branding that will make people think of you even if they are not looking at your jewelry. Think about the Nike logo - you have probably become so used to seeing it that you ignore it now, but your subconscious still thinks and knows "Nike" when your eyes see the swoosh sign. Unless you have artistic drawing skills, consider hiring someone to design your logo for you. You will need a tagline, too. Think about what you want to represent.

3. Social Media, Social Media, Social Media. Use social media - Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and whatever else you are comfortable with, to put your branding in people's minds. Social media is one of the most powerful tools you can use to market your jewelry and find new customers.

You also want to show your face to your potential customers as much as possible, too, so that they can see that they are dealing with a real person. Good luck in your branding and jewelry endeavors!


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